
Get unique, complex parts easily. No matter your requirements, Master Spring creates hard-to-produce coil springs and wire forms.

Custom Wire Forms

Let us help you create the custom wire form you need, from S-hooks and J-hooks to utility hooks and more.


We work closely with customers across a wide range of industries, helping them design and manufacture made-to-order parts.

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Why choose Master Spring? We prioritize customer-focused collaboration, modern equipment and the latest technology to make your parts per print.

Spring Manufacturing: How Do They That?

Compression Springs  |  May 20, 2013

If you’re like my husband, you watch a lot of “how to” shows.  Whether it’s landscaping, flipping houses, home repairs, cooking or even rescuing bars, there’s a program showing viewers how to do everything.

Initially I thought these shows exist because people want to repair and create stuff on their own.  However, after living with my husband for nearly 2 decades without a replica of Stonehenge in our yard, waterfall feature, or even pond I now think that people simply like to watch how stuff is made.

And so we watch the show aptly titled “How it’s Made.”  In this show, viewers watch how everything from hot dogs to Legos is made.  Well imagine how excited I was when the topic was SPRINGS!

Here is a link to that show. I thought the show was pretty good even though technically I didn’t need to watch it because I happen to know “how springs are made.”

Watch it.  It’s cool in a “oh that’s how they do it” sort of way.

If you would like more unique footage on “how springs are made,” we invite you to visit our Spring Video Gallery.

Your Team For Innovative Wire Forming

We provide solutions for complex, high-quality
wire forms and coil springs.

78 Congress Circle West, Roselle, IL 60172

P: 708.453.2570 | Contact Us

We do not stock standard springs,
we make made-to-order custom springs.